Tag Archives: versatile award

Me Likey Awards!

3 Jun


I was given this award by a fellow blogger slash girlfriend – Penda, who authored the blog Ohpenda.com. Oh yes,I would like you to really take time going through her blog, because you know what ? here’s 3{three} F’s for her blog; – {f}resh, {f}un and {f}unny! hahaha i just made it all up. {lol weirdo}

So, I have no idea why she would award me as Versatile blogger but haha that will do! Being versatile is always a positive trait and a versatile blogger is just ridiculously cooler than cool! Therefore, thank you Penda for this award, and to keep the ball running I would like to pass this award to Clement {also a fellow blogger} owner of  BestSpotPh.